Joshua Schall Joshua Schall

Ignoring The “Silver Economy” Will Be Costly For Wellness Brands

Is it time for wellness brands to start channeling their inner Silver Fox and Gray Panther spirit animals? Populations are aging radically different than previous generations, yet most wellness-focused CPG brands completely overlook them. With substantial wealth, controlling 70% of the America’s disposable income, and an interest in longevity, seniors have put a premium on health, wellness and nutrition. As it stands, the 50+ crowd is largely ignored by fitness and wellness brands. That is changing fast, as companies wake up to the huge underserved market that’s proven it plans on directing its accumulated wealth towards living longer and more dynamically. You can’t control that Father time will keep ticking away, but there are controllable within the aging construct. I believe more seniors will understand that and as the world continues to age, it will transform the way we look at the final third of our lives.

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